Barcamp “National technological revolution 20.35”

Инновации Наука и исследования Образование Промышленность Стратегическое управление

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О мероприятии

The conference is focused on enhancing interaction and creating opportunities for matchmaking practices between Russian and foreign companies. This format will set the stage for further interaction: contract signing, strategic economic cooperation.

The event will bring together Institutes of development and organizations financing high-tech export projects from more than 20 countries. To build a dialogue the zone of international business meetings will be launched, providing the opportunity for matchmaking between foreign partners and Russian companies.

Events within the Barcamp 2019

• Plenary discussion “New Export Model: Global Trust Network”
• Zone of ​​international business meetings MatchMaking. More than 10 foreign organization inancing projects in more than 20 countries worldwide are available for negotiations.
• NTI Export Accelerator
• Export accelerator of the Moscow Export Centre created together with PwC
• Master classes about the experience of implementing the concept of NTI (TechNet, SafeNet) for the export of IT technologies through RUSSOFT offices in India and China
• An open meeting with Sergey Polyakov on the latest changes in the programs of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises and the implementation of programs in 2019-2020
• Lecture by Pavel Luksha “Post-statehood: who will be the subjects in the Future World?”
• Expo-forum of products of high-tech companies (interactive exhibition)
• Technological sessions of projects for the largest state-owned companies and national champions (“export elevators” and platforms for piloting technologies and products)
• "NTI Section movement". Results of the competition "Competition of educational practices for NTI"
• Urban digital accelerator results and prospects - CDAv2. Competition results.

Every year, the barcamp becomes a platform where fundamentally new projects affecting the technological development of Russian regions are created and launched. In 2016, the idea of ​​the first regional boiling point in St. Petersburg was implemented at the forum, followed by the launch of a network of regional boiling points throughout Russia. Now their number covers more than 30 regions of Russia and more than 450 thousand users. Among the achievements of 2017 - the large-scale hackathon “Collect University”, held in six cities of Russia; launch of the NTI University model “20.35” to train specialists for work in future NTI markets.

Official web-page is available by the link: https://barcampspb.com #сеть



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